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// Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Meta Four Software. All rights reserved.
// This file contains the declaration of the optional string class.
//! rev="$Id: m4string.h,v 1.7 1997/05/25 20:00:46 jcw Rel $"
#ifndef __M4STRING_H__
#define __M4STRING_H__
// Declarations in this file
class c4_String; // general string handling class
// Yet another string class (protocol similar to MFC)
class c4_String
c4_String ();
c4_String (char ch, int nDup =1);
c4_String (const char* str);
c4_String (const unsigned char* str);
c4_String (const void* ptr, int len);
c4_String (const c4_String& s);
~c4_String ();
const c4_String& operator= (const c4_String&);
operator const char* () const;
operator const unsigned char* () const;
char operator[] (int i) const;
friend c4_String operator+ (const c4_String&, const c4_String&);
friend c4_String operator+ (const c4_String&, const char*);
friend c4_String operator+ (const char*, const c4_String&);
// friend c4_String operator+ (const c4_String&, char);
// friend c4_String operator+ (char, const c4_String&);
const c4_String& operator+= (const c4_String& s);
const c4_String& operator+= (const char* s);
// const c4_String& operator+= (char c);
int GetLength() const;
bool IsEmpty() const;
void Empty(); // free up the data
c4_String Mid(int nFirst, int nCount =25000) const;
c4_String Left(int nCount) const; // first nCount chars
c4_String Right(int nCount) const; // last nCount chars
friend bool operator== (const c4_String&, const c4_String&); // memcmp
friend bool operator!= (const c4_String&, const c4_String&); // opposite
// only defined for strings having no zero bytes inside them:
int Compare(const char* str) const; // strcmp
int CompareNoCase(const char* str) const; // stricmp
bool operator< (const c4_String& str) const;
int Find(char ch) const; // strchr
int ReverseFind(char ch) const; // strrchr
int FindOneOf(const char* set) const; // strpbrk
int Find(const char* sub) const; // strstr
c4_String SpanIncluding(const char* set) const; // strspn
c4_String SpanExcluding(const char* set) const; // strcspn
void Init(const void* p, int n);
const char* Data() const;
int FullLength() const;
unsigned char* _value;
bool operator== (const c4_String& s1, const char* s2);
bool operator== (const char* s1, const c4_String& s2);
bool operator!= (const c4_String& s1, const char* s2);
bool operator!= (const char* s1, const c4_String& s2);
// bool operator== (const c4_String& s1, char s2);
// bool operator== (char s1, const c4_String& s2);
// bool operator!= (const c4_String& s1, char s2);
// bool operator!= (char s1, const c4_String& s2);
#if q4_INLINE
#include "m4string.inl"